


Your support is crucial as we look to bigger and better things in our sport. As you may be aware, smaller sports like Fistball do not get enough recognition or support from governments and sports grants to help push us upwards. We will generally need to dip into our own personal funds to cover the basics including uniforms, gear & field hire. 

While that is ok because it is what we love to do - any additional support in any way helps keep the wheels spinning for our everyday. 

Any monetary contributions you help contribute go towards: 

1) Fielding national teams (Women's, Men's, Masters & Youth squads) in international tournaments.

2) Website maintenance & administration - allowing us to do more advanced communications with our members to keep them in the loop and excited with our offerings!

3) Uniforms & equipment - the cost of a Fistball is upwards of 50 Euro's per ball! 

4) Field hire - Allowing us to venture nationally to a location near you to offer our Fistball Events on council lands & also offer incentives including Food & Beverage trucks. 

5) Youth development - allowing us to run youth programs and purchasing youth fistball equipment including special designed balls. 


If your organisation interested in sponsoring Fistball - please email us here. 


Any additional support including social posts of you playing Fistball, purchasing our merchandise or having a crack at Fistball is always appreciated! Please let us know if you are so we can share it with our members to show Australia the way of the fist!

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